Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat.
As of late, this saying has rung true for life. The meaning in English: All hours wound; the last one kills. It is seen on sundials, and is found in Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, which by the way is where I first remember learning it. Life isn’t all like this, of course, but at times…
For a while now I’ve been thinking on communication. How, despite my father being a professor of communication for all of my life, I don’t seem to be an expert in it. In some cases, I’m not good at it at all. This is definitely my failing, not my father’s, just trying to put things…
Flex 3, accessibility, and custom components.
Flex 3 makes accessibility for the standard components quite easy. However, when creating ActionScript custom visual components, things get, well, murky. I haven’t found too many posts at all about this out there, so I’m going to document the work that I am doing right now, so that myself and others could possibly benefit from…