The search continues – Day 2
So today is day two of the job searching. I’ve put together a plan for my day to accomplish two things. 1. It helps me become more marketable by honing my skills. 2. It keeps me busy so that I don’t do time wasting things like watch TV or surf the internet all day. As…
Today I continue my search for the perfect job.
I say continue, because in this economy and with the shakeups at my last, as of today, employer, I thought it would be prudent to start putting out feelers to see what the market for someone with my Flex, Flash, and web development skills would be. It’s fairly lukewarm, but jobs do still seem available.…
Flash animations in Flex ignoring their stop() actions?
Remember that issue I had with getting Flash and Flex to play nice and give me events from Flash swfs loaded into a Flex application? Well, it’s the same project, same files, and with a new wrinkle. So we have the near final files from the client’s agency, and they look good, and perform all…
Getting Flex and Flash to play nice to each other, when they are not on the same server.
Ok, so recently I needed to get a Flash swf into a Flex project and have the two talk to each other. Ok, fairly normal, I did it for a page navigation scroll bar that was AS2 and got it to talk with our Flex project and it works great. Problem though, the Flash swf…