Getting Flex and Flash to play nice to each other, when they are not on the same server.
Ok, so recently I needed to get a Flash swf into a Flex project and have the two talk to each other. Ok, fairly normal, I did it for a page navigation scroll bar that was AS2 and got it to talk with our Flex project and it works great. Problem though, the Flash swf…
The fate of my Flex accessibility project.
Ok, so some of you might be wondering what happened to the accessibility project that I was going to be working on several months back. Well… It turns out that the major stumbling block here was the wmode tag that was being used. It needed to be set to wmode=opaque, and it was set to…
Accessibility in the Flash Player…
I thought that I posted this earlier, but when I went back to reference it, it looks like it didn’t post. My research into accessibility for Flex custom components continues. This time I have something from Zeus Labs. It documents Josh Tynjala’s same efforts as mine in looking into accessibility. He’s discovered some limitations of…
Flex 3, accessibility, and custom components.
Flex 3 makes accessibility for the standard components quite easy. However, when creating ActionScript custom visual components, things get, well, murky. I haven’t found too many posts at all about this out there, so I’m going to document the work that I am doing right now, so that myself and others could possibly benefit from…