Category: eRoom-D

  • Post Gen Con – Pre Dragon*Con, Vegas After Midnight, etc.

    Ok, I had meant to post things earlier, but at least it’s sooner than the last gap was long. Gen Con was a blast, at least as good as last year, I would say baring a few things, even better than last year. Vegas After Midnight ran very well, and we got both exceptional feedback…

  • ScribeFire is my new blog writing software of choice.

    Ok, I’ve been using Scribe Fire ( for about a week now, and as you can tell from the frequency of my posts, it makes posting quick and painless. Writing this from the train, it is also obvious that posting while offline is also another bonus. So I’ll be using ScribeFire to make posts from…

  • Trying out ScribeFire…

    Ok, so my friend Chris Miller ( wants me to blog more, and I made up this excuse about wanting to blog offline and then just posting it later. So what does Chris do? He solves the damn problem by pointing me to ScribeFire ( It’s a Firefox plug-in that pretty much solves all of…