I want to playtest!!!
Ok, Mick and I are still very very early in our design process, but I am impatient type of person and I want to start playing/playtesting NOW. My questions to the faceless void are: Is this too early to playtest? Will we get any useful information out of it? Is playtesting this early really just…
It’s amazing how much you can get done with a phone call…
It is simply amazing how much you can get done with a simple phone call (or Skype call). Mick and I talked about Vegas After Midnight for an hour after another conference call for the After Serenity Shindig at this Gen Con 2007. We have been emailing back and forth, posting on our design forum,…
Longtime GM, but new game designer
I’ve been playing and GMing rpgs for a long time, not quite 30 years. Although I have written my own campaigns, my own game worlds, and have made house rules since the beginning, I am finding it different and challenging to write in someone else’s setting. Mick is furiously writing up some setting and a…
Jammed with work, but…
For the last two days, I have been completely jammed with work and had little (4 hours) sleep. Tonight seems no different. However… I was able to take some time at lunch to put out a some more VAM fiction vingnettes. This time about a man named Mouse, a member of the InterFaction Coalition. I’ll…