Twitter Updates for 2007-05-17
Had some coffee, I think I can function now. # Back from yesterday’s CS3 conference in Chicago. Very cool stuff coming in CS3, I hope we get copies soon. # Heading to lunch and brainstorm… # @codeshaman I think you said something, but it was disturbing. # “…In a corner forgotten by no-one. You lived…
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-15
Starting to play Don’t Rest Your Head. # @nukehavoc Have you tried out Sage for Firefox? How does it compare? # @nukehavoc Interesting reading, thanks! # @nukehavoc I’ll be looking into Google Reader soon, I use PortableApps.com so FF travels with me. # Did some script come out that allows idiots to spam IM services?…
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-14
At work… need coffee. # @sambearpoet What? # The Game Master Show recording tonight: Don’t Rest Your Head # Heading home… The Game Master Show is recording tonight, after I eat salmon for dinner. # Powered by Twitter Tools. Related posts: No related posts.
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-13
Why is it that Twitter (and Tabz) make me follow links to “Hot Geek Guys”? # My 4 year old daughter is my equal in Wii Sports Tennis. # The Game Master Show #9 is edited and posted to the feed. # Listening to Pseudopod 34, just a bit behind. This one is gross. #…