The fate of my Flex accessibility project.
Ok, so some of you might be wondering what happened to the accessibility project that I was going to be working on several months back. Well… It turns out that the major stumbling block here was the wmode tag that was being used. It needed to be set to wmode=opaque, and it was set to…
Post Gen Con – Pre Dragon*Con, Vegas After Midnight, etc.
Ok, I had meant to post things earlier, but at least it’s sooner than the last gap was long. Gen Con was a blast, at least as good as last year, I would say baring a few things, even better than last year. Vegas After Midnight ran very well, and we got both exceptional feedback…
Gen Con 2008 Day 2!
It’s been a looong time since I have last posted, but… I am at Gen Con 2008, day 2 (Friday). Mick and I have run Vegas After Midnight (http://vegasaftermidnight.net) three times now, and it has been excellent. We have learned a lot of the rough spots, and already started sanding them down. We have loved…
Accessibility in the Flash Player…
I thought that I posted this earlier, but when I went back to reference it, it looks like it didn’t post. My research into accessibility for Flex custom components continues. This time I have something from Zeus Labs. It documents Josh Tynjala’s same efforts as mine in looking into accessibility. He’s discovered some limitations of…