ScribeFire is my new blog writing software of choice.
Ok, I’ve been using Scribe Fire (http://www.scribefire.com/) for about a week now, and as you can tell from the frequency of my posts, it makes posting quick and painless. Writing this from the train, it is also obvious that posting while offline is also another bonus. So I’ll be using ScribeFire to make posts from…
Flex 3, accessibility, and custom components.
Flex 3 makes accessibility for the standard components quite easy. However, when creating ActionScript custom visual components, things get, well, murky. I haven’t found too many posts at all about this out there, so I’m going to document the work that I am doing right now, so that myself and others could possibly benefit from…
An experiment with Spirit of the Century
Ok, so last night was the first actual play night of my new fantasy campaign, and I am still surprised by the fact that I was able to convince the group to try out a new system other than DnD. What I am I using? You probably guessed by the title. I’m using the Fate…
Twitter Updates for 2008-05-07
I’m at Chicago, IL, US (Chicago, IL, USA) – http://bkite.com/004fl # I’m at Hammond, IN, USA – http://bkite.com/004fo # Up and atom! Atom… Ant! # I’m at Chicago, IL, US (Chicago, IL, USA) – http://bkite.com/004E0 # Waiting for a meeting to start. What to do? More Flex! # Update on Vegas After Midnight: So I…