Vegas After Midnight – working when a state apart.
I have the extreme pleasure of working with Mick Bradley of the Harping Monkey and the Rolemonkey’s on his concept of Vegas After Midnight. I have been excited about the concept since last year when Mick revealed it and had almost run a play by post game of it. I haven’t let go of the…
Turning off Twitter updates…
Hi all, Not that anyone really reads this, but I am turning off Twitter updates, since that seems to be the only thing I end up posting here. I am going to be changing that very very soon, with updates on Vegas After Midnight (http://vegasaftermidnight.net) and my rpg development. In addition to my travels and…
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-31
Editing The Game Master Show session of Don’t Rest Your Head. # Powered by Twitter Tools. Related posts: No related posts.
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-30
@mightymur More than likely they yelled that you rock, and that they like your new tattoo. # Powered by Twitter Tools. Related posts: No related posts.