Creativity. Is it easier to work in a blank space, or from inside a box?
I have run into this before, and when I talk about it I am surprised at the response I get. I have always found it to be easier to be creative in a setting with constraints than with a blank page. I am able to latch on to thoughts and ideas presented within the constraint.…
Nine months in, my electric car experience with the Nissan Leaf
Back in late 2012, my friend James, Kim, and their family, was visiting my family. It started out all normal and innocent. Talking about things, our kids playing together, talking about homebrewing beer. Then he said some fateful words that I do not remember but continue with me anyway to this very day. He said…
Making your own positives in the face of negatives.
Things have been rather up and down for me lately. Overall, on the up side luckily, but still too much up and down for what I like. Ups: I have a writing project that is nearing completetion that I will talk about soon. At work, I am on a new client project that is challenging…
The perils of DIY
Given how long the economy has been repressed as it has, a lot of people have turned to doing it themselves (DIY). The DIY ethic has been rekindled here in the United States in a big way. With sites like Instructables, Makezine, and Thingiverse helping to push things along. As you are probably aware, I…