Tag: actionscript

  • I am now the answer to life the universe and everything.

    I am now the answer to life the universe and everything.

    I tried to get this out on September 27th, when it was actually my birthday, but… well, you know how things go some days. What has this last year been like? What have I gained? What have I lost? What do I look forward to? As much as the answer just asked more questions in…

  • Air for Android, a question of orientation.

    So I’m working on AIR for Android lately with both my G2 and my Motorola Xoom, using Flex Builder 4.5. Some of you might know that I am getting them to talk together with RTMFP. I have them talking, but the application that I am working on I need to start and stay in landscape…

  • Flex 4 Scroller Quirks

    So in Flex 4, scrolling has moved out of the individual visual containers and now is a container itself that wraps around the containers that need to be scrolled. This is a good thing, but does have some issues that developers, like me, need to wrap their heads around. Right now, I am just going…

  • Flex Training for ColdFusion Developers

    This Thursday November 19th I will be assisting Jeff Tapper while he teaches the Flex Training for ColdFusion Developers class at the Hyatt Regency Chicago on the River Walk, 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601. The project I have been working on lately has thrown me headlong into CF, and I find that I…