Twitter Updates for 2007-04-05

  • Recording for The Signal… #
  • Done recording, with a huge break in the middle. Heading to bed now. #
  • l:home=60411 #
  • l:home #
  • l:60411 #
  • L:60411 #
  • Hmmm… Twittermap thinks I am in the West Bank, when I am sure that I am in Illinois. #
  • Having computer problems, at least I get a desktop now. Now my wireless mouse is acting up. Would be the day I am working from home. #
  • Checking out my Joost beta account. #
  • @codeshaman You are first on my list if I am given invites. #
  • @jaegamer Joost is a television streaming service, with other add ons. It’s in beta right now. #
  • @codeshaman There should be a from address in the email for who sent it. #
  • @mdrandom I got lucky when checking one of my flash/flex blogs, one of them had 5 they were giving away. #
  • @codeshaman Nice! I wonder if I will get another invite from my signup as well. #
  • Lunch now, eye doctor later. #
  • Back from the eye doc, looking at Joost, and upset that Twitteroo is screwed up. #
  • Looks like I got a second Joost invite. Looks like if you applied for the beta, you are going to get in now. #

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