- Reply to chat at 10:01 am #
- At work, late and ill – still with almost no voice. Podcasting last night was interesting – in good and bad ways. #
- @jaegamer I still owe you modules and stuff for After Serenity, don’t I… #
- @kjtoo Sorry to hear about that. Was that NWN or NWN2? I have both. #
- @jaegamer Posted to the rpgpodcasters, some of who are publishers. #
- @mightymur Low light might mean no Twitter for you. 2 Aleve works best for mine. #
- @technomom How could you keep IconBuffet a secret? #
- @jchutchins Sure thing. #
- @mightymur So it takes a child offering, and a t-shirt, to be BotD? #
- @mightymur Where do you get the t-shirts? You might even get a child wearing one! #
- @mightymur Picture of a child wearing one that is. Unless you want to babysit. #
- @sambearpoet If he wasn’t about to get surgery, I would so go over and borrow those books. #
- @pgholyfield Ah ha! I’ll get right on that, after my voice comes back. #
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