- @evo_terra Nope, would be nice if you had. Still cold/snowy here. #
- @codeshaman *bang* #
- Looks like gtalk connection is down for Twitter. #
- Ah… finished speed reading last night’s Twitters. You talk alot. #
- At work, listening to Deadpan. #
- Was listening to Deadpan, then the battery died. Anyone got a AAA? #
- At work, and have a list of things to do, all non work related. #
- Looks like gtalk is working again, and sent all my tweets. Sorry for the flood. #
- Going to get a free mini-massage. I really like my workplace right now. #
- Gmail logged me out, I am 2 hours out of date on Twitter. Got more work done though. #
- @sambearpoet Darn you man and your Boomshine! #
- @sambearpoet What level are you at? #
- Same here, then I went to Digg it, and it left the site!!! arg!!! #
- Home for me… #
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