Twitter Updates for 2007-04-20

  • Hanging with Mario. #
  • @sambearpoet I hadn’t picked up Dragon in a while, since I wanted a more well rounded magazine. #
  • @sambearpoet AKA more systems than just d20, and more general articles. #
  • @sambearpoet Since they had a license for Dragon and Dungeon, they were probably contractually obligated for WotC content. #
  • @sambearpoet Would have been nice to see Star Wars or other WotC systems in there though. #
  • @sambearpoet Understandable. I’m Od20 myself (Over d20’d). #
  • @mdrandom Steve Ely recommended it, but at $130, it’s out of my price range right now. #
  • @mdrandom It did have it’s own mag, which was canceled. Insider is what is left, not sure if they do gaming in it. #
  • @mdrandom Listening to it as well. #
  • @mdrandom It can be used as a plug in? Perhaps we can use it within Audition. #
  • @mdrandom A true test would be that SotC recording that was so noisy… 🙂 #
  • @sambearpoet *sigh* A sponsored show… would be nice. #
  • @sambearpoet The Game Master Show is gaining a decent following fairly quickly. I am hopeful, though I would like more people to join the fo #
  • @sambearpoet I think we need to talk with Geek Label… and perhaps a local game shop or two. #
  • @sambearpoet At least one’s with an online presence. #
  • Debating a Woot deal: #
  • @kjtoo Grr, knew it was too good to be true. #
  • @kjtoo Thanks… #
  • I need a better toon icon… brb #
  • There we go… #
  • Learning about Dart, Motif, and all that other ad banner… goodness? #
  • I can think of so many home uses for this tech! #
  • Off to see if I can get some audio cables for the headphone amp. #
  • @tabz w00t! You won $50 from ShopLocal for the power reviews contest!!! #
  • Who wants cupcakes? I can’t have any, but if you are in downtown Chicago, let me know. #
  • @jaegamer I’m pretty sure the cupcakes will be gone by then unfortunately… #
  • @jaegamer Web addy for Forge Midwest? Sounds like gaming. #
  • @jaegamer Aw crap! Why am I only hearing about this now!!! Sounds cool. #
  • @jaegamer Of course, my weekend is already spoken for. #
  • @jaegamer Thanks… #
  • @jaewalker Hotels are expensive… #
  • @jaewalker $126 in Rosemont is not too bad. 2 nights would have been bad though. #
  • @jaegamer Definitely… I get to split my Gen Con hotel 4-5 ways. It’s a podcaster fest there! #
  • @jaegamer Cool… I hope we get the same attendance as last year. We need more judges! #
  • @jaegamer Which means that I need to send you that module and such! #
  • @jaegamer Doh! #
  • @jaegamer From now until I get you those modules, you are given permission to nag. #
  • @jaegamer Game registration is closed for Gen Con, so I don’t think I could add more slots. #
  • @jaegamer Mario decided to do 8, so he could get a free hotel. #
  • @evo_terra Interested in Joost? I have an invite. #
  • @sambearpoet You got it… as soon as I get home. #
  • Why is this day dragging? #
  • @tabz Then you probably missed the announcement that you won $50 from ShopLocal. #
  • @tabz 🙂 #
  • @tabz Kim in HR has your award. I told them you were sick. #
  • @raeski I’m still at work for another half hour. #
  • Ok, falling asleep here. Time to get up and move. Prpabably heading home since in early. #

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