- Twitter is working on gTalk again! #
- Downloading more clipart… #
- Dover… let me find the URL #
- @jaegamer: Found it: http://tinyurl.com/37eqrv #
- I think Twitter has a problem now with double posts. #
- @tabz I have to agree with PodCulture there. #
- @raeski Exactly… #
- @tabz Tabz is awesome, but won’t know it, since she is ignoring me. #
- @tabz Perhaps the The Peculiar Purple Pie-Man of Porcupine Peak is Barbie’s sugar daddy? #
- @squach It may be that I am using the IM version? #
- Listening to Dragons Landing #79, The Game Master Show promo is played. #
- @mdrandom Figures… #
- @tabz That must be it, Barbie is set from eBay royalties, and tries out different jobs for fun! #
- I firmly believe that girls should play like they do in my avatar icon. #
- In princess tiaras, dresses, and with foam swords. #
- @mdrandom Nope… no clue #
- @mdrandom I sent an email to the rpgpodcasters list with the promos asking for play. #
- @mdrandom But I don’t know who will play it. AGC also played one. #
- @tabz There was: Black Adder. #
- @tabz – who is ignoring me: Cheezy – Yes, Excellent – also yes #
- @tabz Tabz is speaking like JCHutchins now, in the 3rd person. #
- @tabz Joss calls JCHutchins JCH? Cool… #
- @tabz 7th Son, directed by Joss. #
- @tabz My prediction, everyone and no one. Tonight’s episode is 5 years in the future. #
- @tabz I am fairly cynical about prime time. They didn’t explain why “Save the cheerleader, save the world” when they said they world. #
- *would #
- @raeski I hear Mur wears a tiara, I think geeks with tiara’s are more eligable. #
- @tabz Mangel = Mario / Angel? #
- @tabz Mayor pre or post transformation? #
- @mdrandom Not going any farther … #
- @mdrandom Going to make it tonight, or do we go on without you? #
- @mdrandom For you: http://despair.com/sacrifice1.html #
- @mdrandom np #
- Heading home!!! #
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