- My BBQ ribs technique needs a little work. #
- @tabz What?! #
- @tabz He’s here in Chicago? #
- @tabz Ah… oops! #
- @nukehavoc True, though it is still better than being woken in the middle of the night with it! #
- @nukehavoc Gotta look on the bright side of the puking. #
- @nukehavoc That is true, you may have more technicolor joy to come. #
- @nukehavoc Hope she feels better soon. #
- @tabz What channel is Bonez on? #
- @tabz Hmmm… Dr Who is my choice, but I don’t have any. Firefly? #
- I vote Supernatural, since I have seen more Bones and I like Supernatural better. #
- Watching the Mars rover bounce down to a landing. #
- Up watching the girls, letting Erin sleep in. #
- Back from meeting some Browncoats (had to leave early so the girls could nap). #
- About to run the next Out in the Black session for After Serenity. I hope the players are able to make it! #
- @nukehavoc GenCon’s registration has never been good. A friend of mine and I made one several years ago. #
- @nukehavoc GenCon didn’t want it. #
- @nukehavoc We tried to sell them an event registration and scheduling system/site. #
- @nukehavoc There is also a webform based signup. #
- @nukehavoc Don’t forget to search for Serenity in game system. 🙂 #
- @nukehavoc Most of them are run by After Serenity (me and two other gms) #
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