Today is day two of Flex Camp Chicago (#flexcampchi), yesterday was really informative even though I have been working in Flex for about nine months now. I got a chance to see a great deal of things that I haven’t needed to use yet in the platform, like video, 3D, and bringing up web pages in Flex and AIR apps. Since working at ShopLocal, we didn’t have a call for those things in our projects. Seeing them opens up a whole creative realm of things that I could do with them.
There was also an all to brief introduction to AMF and it’s capabilities. I would love to be able to use BlazeDS, but I am fairly sure that my current ISP won’t support it. I may have to set up a box at home just to play around with it. It has a lot of capabilities that I would like to use both for The Stone Table (more on that in a later post), and
It’s about 20 minutes until start time here, and today looks to be even better than yesterday. Today is supposed to be the expert session, while yesterday was the beginner session. I consider myself fairly well versed in Flex and ActionScript 3, but I can see that there is a whole lot more that I could dig into, and that excites me to no end.
Edit: I forgot to mention, I am also Twittering during the sessions, and recording them. Follow me on Twitter today (vandermore), or search for #flexcampchi.
A podcast of the sessions, hopefully with the demonstrations, should be coming as soon as I can edit things and get the files.