Overview of Flex and the Flash Platform for Newcomers and the Non-Technical by Michael Epstein – Flex Camp Chicago 2009

This first episode is from the very first session, Overview of Flex and the Flash Platform for Newcomers and the Non-Technical, presented by Michael Epstein. Michael gives an overview of what Flex is, some of it’s roots, and also some of it’s competitors.

I recorded all of these from a portable recorder, and the quality is fairly good, but the mics are facing towards the front of the room, so while I was able to capture Michael very well, the last questions from the audience were too soft to capture so I had to cut them.

If you have any questions or comments about the podcast recordings, feel free to contact me at https://vandermore.com. If you have questions for the presenters, most of their contact information can be found on the Flex Camp Chicago website, http://flexcampchicago.com.

I hope you enjoy the sessions.

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