Flash Platform in 2009 by Kevin Hoyt – Flex Camp Chicago 2009

This second episode is from the session by Kevin Hoyt, he is an evangelist with Adobe, and gives the keynote for the first day of Flex Camp Chicago. He talks about the Flash platform, what is upcoming for Flex and tools for designers to create user interfaces that work with Flex so that the developers don’t need to figure out how to do them as non-designers. For those of you who are designers and developers it looks like a great workflow improvement.

I did try and capture the questions this time, so you will hear some differences in the background noise levels as I normalize the audio to get the questions to be audible. They are still hard to hear some times, but most of them should be understandable without killing your ears.

If you have any questions or comments about the podcast recordings, feel free to contact me at https://vandermore.com. If you have questions for the presenters, most of their contact information can be found on the Flex Camp Chicago website, http://flexcampchicago.com.

I hope you enjoy the sessions, now on with the show.

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