Fallout 3
So recently I have been playing Fallout 3. I have been hooked on the series since it’s unofficial progenitor, Wasteland (with Michael Stackpole – http://www.stormwolf.com – as one of it’s designers) caught my eye and stole my hours as a youth. I’ve been a fan, but never actually finished Fallout, or Fallout 2. I dabbled…
Post Gen Con – Pre Dragon*Con, Vegas After Midnight, etc.
Ok, I had meant to post things earlier, but at least it’s sooner than the last gap was long. Gen Con was a blast, at least as good as last year, I would say baring a few things, even better than last year. Vegas After Midnight ran very well, and we got both exceptional feedback…
Gen Con 2008 Day 2!
It’s been a looong time since I have last posted, but… I am at Gen Con 2008, day 2 (Friday). Mick and I have run Vegas After Midnight (http://vegasaftermidnight.net) three times now, and it has been excellent. We have learned a lot of the rough spots, and already started sanding them down. We have loved…