My Daemon – according to the Golden Compass movie.
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Feeling burned out…
I am not sure if it is post Gen Con funk, or just too much work, but I am feeling really burned out and just want to walk away from everything for a while. With family, work, The Game Master Show, Vegas After Midnight, my weekly game, The Signal, and everything else that fits into…
Vote for the Ennies…
I am a summer hero! And you can be too! The 2007 Ennies votes are happening, and the small press games that are up for awards need your help. If you’re a fan of Spirit of the Century, Burning Empires, Lacuna, Dictionary of Mu, Dawning Star: Helios Rising, Faery’s Tale, or Hollow Earth Expedition, this…
I want to playtest!!!
Ok, Mick and I are still very very early in our design process, but I am impatient type of person and I want to start playing/playtesting NOW. My questions to the faceless void are: Is this too early to playtest? Will we get any useful information out of it? Is playtesting this early really just…