Category: Things at home

  • Coming back to myself and Dyson Fall

    Coming back to myself and Dyson Fall

    Things have been interesting for me of late. I am sure that with the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, that they are interesting for everyone in their own way. My interesting has been trying to find myself again, trying to find a better balance with working remotely, life, and rediscovering the things that I enjoy. I…

  • Journal the day

    Journal the day

    This is first of something I have wanted to do for a while, mainly so I would get back into writing more often. I’m going to do a short journal of the day. It’s not in any particular format or content, just a journal of things that I did that day. Today I crammed the…

  • On a positive note…

    On a positive note…

    Reviewing the last several posts, it would appear that for a few months that I have been in the doldrums of despair. While that is partly true, it is not where I have spent the majority of my time. At work, I’ve been working on several projects dealing with online video, digital publishing, and helping…

  • Life, it’s never dull.

    Life, it’s never dull.

    [Warning: This is an update post, and may ramble a bit. Carry on!] Things at the tail end of this year have certainly been interesting. Interesting times indeed, in all of the senses of the word. You’ve read hear about some of the things that have gone on, and if you haven’t I invite you…