Category: Things at home

  • Turning off Twitter updates…

    Hi all, Not that anyone really reads this, but I am turning off Twitter updates, since that seems to be the only thing I end up posting here. I am going to be changing that very very soon, with updates on Vegas After Midnight ( and my rpg development. In addition to my travels and…

  • Five O’Clock Shadow #1

    Getting onboard the meme train a little late. Tonight I’m going to try and get Flex work done, again. Talk with Chris Miller about Second Life. Try to remember the rest of my todo list Why is it that I always have energy on the train ride home, but when I get home I am…

  • I love my geek daughters…

    Here is a picture of my two daughters just before their join birthday party last weekend. Who else can say their daughters dress as princesses and sword-fight. Even cooler, my wife joined in the next day, an epic Errol Flynn style battle raging through the house. (The girls won.) Too bad I was at work…

  • Now Reading is now broken…

    For some reason, my Now Reading plug in only returns errors when I do a search. I just don’t have the time to investigate right now. Related posts: No related posts.