Category: Uncategorized

  • Twitter Updates for 2007-04-29

    Lan party is still going on, people are tired, but still playing. # @tabz You are one of those people… # @tabz This seems wrong, twittering to you when you are 5 feet away. # @tabz Yes, yes it does… # Powered by Twitter Tools. Related posts: No related posts.

  • Twitter Updates for 2007-04-27

    @mightymur Pretend you smoke and go out for a 15 minute “smoke break” every so often. 🙂 # Really ready for the lan party at my house this weekend. # Dresden Files and food! I love lunchtime. # @codeshaman Snakes on the plane broke your phone? # Ohhh… Ferrets. Lost your phone on the plane…

  • Twitter Updates for 2007-04-26

    Having a hard time being surprised by Drive being cancelled. # Some days I seem to get nothing done. Today was one of those days. # @geekacres Same here… I’m a bit behind. # @geekacres Definitely… I wonder how old my oldest unlistened to one is. # @tabz I can see what you mean, but…

  • Twitter Updates for 2007-04-25

    @sambearpoet I LOVE the Cowboy Bebop music… but not in over large doses. # Uploading The Game Master Show – One Shot #1 – Dragon, Dungeon, and Dragonlance. # Posted The Game Master Show One Shot. # @tabz ? # Watching Dresden Files – Storm Front. # @mightymur # @mightymur OR (From Tabz)…