Category: Uncategorized

  • Twitter Updates for 2007-05-12

    Where do geeks go to party on Friday night? Twitter evidently! # I should be writing… my segment for the Signal. # @tabz *Is thinking he can bribe Tabz with a promo for a segment* # I love Google Docs # @leann I find I enjoy Lost more when other people tell me what happened.…

  • Twitter Updates for 2007-05-11

    Troubleshooting a wireless breach a friend has. # We’ll IMing him about it. # @tabz Do they have an mp3 download or web site? # @tabz I actually have that, I meant: # Powered by Twitter Tools. Related posts: No related posts.

  • Twitter Updates for 2007-05-10

    Watching Donnie Darko, seems like one of those movies that are required viewing. # Not sure if I will like it or not, but I like the music so far. # @leann Since you seem to have my taste in media (“But only when they’re green”), I’ll trust you. # @leann Though it is hard…

  • Twitter Updates for 2007-05-09

    Just about to play my weekly rpg game! # @tabz Ick! What’s going on? # @geekacres I love FireFTP, I’ve been using it for my podcasts as well. # @tabz I’m sorry to hear it. # @pgholyfield I knew I was missing a podcast that I wanted to listen to. # @tabz Sweet! # Powered…