Twitter Updates for 2008-05-06
@dicket Need help with it? It’s what I do as part of my living. # @minitotoro @nukehavoc Stop! I haven’t played it yet, my home computer is down, and you are making me want to leave work and go play it! # Oh look, this one has numbers on it. # @mdrandom Dude, you suck.…
Update on Vegas After Midnight
So I said I would try out ScribeFire from the train, and I am. I thought I would add in some interesting information for those who are following the development of Vegas After Midnight as well, just to make things more interesting to you, the reader. I’ve been working on a few things to get…
Trying out ScribeFire…
Ok, so my friend Chris Miller (http://www.unquietdesperation.com/) wants me to blog more, and I made up this excuse about wanting to blog offline and then just posting it later. So what does Chris do? He solves the damn problem by pointing me to ScribeFire (http://www.scribefire.com/help/getting-started/). It’s a Firefox plug-in that pretty much solves all of…
Twitter Updates for 2008-05-05
I started @scalzi’s Old Man’s War for The Secret Lair, and I liked it so much that I am on book three now! # Powered by Twitter Tools. Related posts: No related posts.