Twitter Updates for 2007-05-10
Watching Donnie Darko, seems like one of those movies that are required viewing. # Not sure if I will like it or not, but I like the music so far. # @leann Since you seem to have my taste in media (“But only when they’re green”), I’ll trust you. # @leann Though it is hard…
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-09
Just about to play my weekly rpg game! # @tabz Ick! What’s going on? # @geekacres I love FireFTP, I’ve been using it for my podcasts as well. # @tabz I’m sorry to hear it. # @pgholyfield I knew I was missing a podcast that I wanted to listen to. # @tabz Sweet! # Powered…
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-08
At work, starting my day. # @tabz According to Mur, pirates are over. Hobos are the new thing. # @nukehavoc I think Twitter is a vector for disease, my youngest Teagan is sick today. # Tabz needed to get in earlier to work. # Powered by Twitter Tools. Related posts: No related posts.
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-07
@nukehavoc System wise, not much, if you call yourself a Browncoat then you are fine. # @nukehavoc Though you have to know enough to make a character beforehand. (It’s an ongoing campaign) # @nukehavoc http://www.afterserenity.com # Good night all! # Ok, I’m up… I’m up. # @sambearpoet I feel for you man. # Wondering why…