Twitter Updates for 2007-04-26
Having a hard time being surprised by Drive being cancelled. # Some days I seem to get nothing done. Today was one of those days. # @geekacres Same here… I’m a bit behind. # @geekacres Definitely… I wonder how old my oldest unlistened to one is. # @tabz I can see what you mean, but…
Five O’Clock Shadow #1
Getting onboard the meme train a little late. Tonight I’m going to try and get Flex work done, again. Talk with Chris Miller about Second Life. Try to remember the rest of my todo list Why is it that I always have energy on the train ride home, but when I get home I am…
Twitter Updates for 2007-04-25
@sambearpoet I LOVE the Cowboy Bebop music… but not in over large doses. # Uploading The Game Master Show – One Shot #1 – Dragon, Dungeon, and Dragonlance. # Posted The Game Master Show One Shot. # @tabz ? # Watching Dresden Files – Storm Front. # @mightymur murlafferty.com # @mightymur OR heavenseries.com (From Tabz)…
Twitter Updates for 2007-04-24
@leann I love that line. # Heading out to pick up mics from Mario, see how he is doing, and then come back to do work. # Podcasting in 4-5 hours # @tabz I have no idea where I got it. 😉 Whoops! I actually didn’t bookmark it! Shoot… # @jchutchins Clone home! # @jchutchins…