Twitter Updates for 2007-03-31
When the mom is away, the girls will run rampant over the dad. # @evo_terra Do you pay attention to twitter while podcasting? # @MDrandom The worst part of helping someone move is, well, the moving. # Powered by Twitter Tools. Related posts: No related posts.
Twitter Updates for 2007-03-30
Doing some editing for The Game Master Show podcast: http://www.thegamemastershow.com # Late to work, catching up on email, riding herd on the Target project through QA. This is going to be a long day. # Listening to a recorded Steve Ely presentation:Better Sound With The Gear You Have: http://odeo.com/audio/10057233/view # @evo_terra Is Mur on Twitter…
Twitter Updates for 2007-03-29
Tired this morning, but at least able to spell. Unlike Mr. Miller. # Harpo studio is just across town, but I am not sure if she still records there. I have enough podcasting that I do right now though. # Ah, iced tea… my staple drink. # @evo_terra No, I like being able to see…
Twitter Updates for 2007-03-28
Giving a demo on Flex skinning and styling to the Seattle office (still in Chicago though, they came here). # Powered by Twitter Tools. Related posts: No related posts.