Tag: Writing

  • The yearly update 2024

    The yearly update 2024

    I’ve never been a consistent blogger, though I have always wanted to be. As my kids have gone off to college, I have almost entirely put aside video games, and have started a series of novel writing courses, I find myself wanting to write more. This blog has always been a mix of my life,…

  • Coming back to myself and Dyson Fall

    Coming back to myself and Dyson Fall

    Things have been interesting for me of late. I am sure that with the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, that they are interesting for everyone in their own way. My interesting has been trying to find myself again, trying to find a better balance with working remotely, life, and rediscovering the things that I enjoy. I…

  • Body and Mind Hacking (An experience with physical therapy and conferences.)

    So recently I went to the excellent ng-conf in Salt Lake City, Utah. Going to conferences has always been something that I have enjoyed to one degree or another, and ng-conf was no different. The people have a passion for what they do, and how they do it. Except for one person, which I will…

  • On a positive note…

    On a positive note…

    Reviewing the last several posts, it would appear that for a few months that I have been in the doldrums of despair. While that is partly true, it is not where I have spent the majority of my time. At work, I’ve been working on several projects dealing with online video, digital publishing, and helping…