The search continues – Day 2

So today is day two of the job searching. I’ve put together a plan for my day to accomplish two things. 1. It helps me become more marketable by honing my skills. 2. It keeps me busy so that I don’t do time wasting things like watch TV or surf the internet all day. As a side benefit, I think staying busy will help me stay positive through this.

Here’s my plan for my work week:

  • Get up and get the kids to school
  • Once people are out of the house, make this daily blog and get things going on the computer.
  • 9:30 am – start making recruiter and other phone calls. No one is really functioning in the office for phone calls at 9am.
  • Get out of the house and do any running around that I need to do.
  • Housework, I do some normally, but now that I am home I will be taking over much more of it.
  • Continue coding – I have some personal projects that have been languishing due to lack of time, and now I have time to spare. I’ll post them here as I complete them.
  • Write some fiction, which I may post here. This is more to break up my day, since coding straight I start to lose my creative edge. This gives it back to me.
  • Back to coding
  • Evening stuff
  • Get kids to bed
  • More coding, or time to relax
  • Go to sleep at a reasonable hour, so that I can do it all again the next day. This one is also a key thing. Staying up until all hours means I sleep in the next day, and gets me in a habit of not doing the things needed doing. So I’ll be headed to bed early and waking up early.

That’s the plan I have currently. Suggestions are always welcome, but I think this one will work for me. I already have some good leads, and I hope that at least one of them pans out. I will of course, keep you all informed.

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