Twitter Updates for 2007-04-06
Finished playing Guild Wars for the night, first time I played in 3 months or so. Man do I suck at it now. G’night! # @Kilroy2_0 Triangle man beats Person man. # Tweaking a client’s files so the “text isn’t blurry” anymore. # @accidental_rob No, not all of us get today off. 🙁 # Off…
Twitter Updates for 2007-04-05
Recording for The Signal… # Done recording, with a huge break in the middle. Heading to bed now. # l:home=60411 # l:home # l:60411 # L:60411 # Hmmm… Twittermap thinks I am in the West Bank, when I am sure that I am in Illinois. # Having computer problems, at least I get a desktop…
Twitter Updates for 2007-04-04
Looks like I will be moving departments from Dev over to Design in a month or so here at work. Not a bad thing… # @ClaireBennet I’m glad you like it, we’re playing again this Sunday. # @clairebennet I’m the GM. We also just started a podcast The Game Master Show, all about GMing and…
Twitter Updates for 2007-04-03
Checking email before actually starting work. How do I get so much? # @sambearpoet Sounds like they did not expect the demand. 🙂 # @PGHolyfield You must hang around different Moms than I do. Being with the kids is cool though. 🙂 # @MDrandom Check your email, I need your Gen Con schedule for After…