Twitter Updates for 2007-05-06
My BBQ ribs technique needs a little work. # @tabz What?! # @tabz He’s here in Chicago? # @tabz Ah… oops! # @nukehavoc True, though it is still better than being woken in the middle of the night with it! # @nukehavoc Gotta look on the bright side of the puking. # @nukehavoc That is…
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-05
@mightymur I would, but I probably wouldn’t have the time in my schedule to actually call in. # Quote from Slice of Sci Fi: “Schrek’s not fat, he’s ogre shaped!” # Kids napping, it’s amazing what quiet sounds like. # @nukehavoc Only if you play bocce in it. # Spoke too soon, Teagan is awake…
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-04
@christianaellis Did you say you needed a flash designer/developer? # @squach Edit, that way it is over… # @christianaellis Did you get my email about Flash design? # @christianaellis Ah… sadly, I am not that. I just do things like the Target weekly ad and such. # @christianaellis That is possible, email me back and…
Twitter Updates for 2007-05-03
At work, late, stupid me for getting a flat tire, stupid flat tire, stupid flat *spare* tire! # @jaegamer I haven’t had a flat in a while, can’t believe I hit that curb. # @mdrandom It’s fine, but I’m all good. # @kilroy2_0 I comply. # @mur I think I need a tiara. # @squach…