Flash Platform in 2009 by Kevin Hoyt – Flex Camp Chicago 2009
This second episode is from the session by Kevin Hoyt, he is an evangelist with Adobe, and gives the keynote for the first day of Flex Camp Chicago. He talks about the Flash platform, what is upcoming for Flex and tools for designers to create user interfaces that work with Flex so that the developers…
The search must go on…
It had seemed that my search for jobs had ended shortly after it had started, but my freelance project ended earlier than expected, and while they will probably have more work for my by the end of the month, I would like to be working until that time. So right now I am looking for…
Keeping myself marketable
It’s day something, 19 21, that’s it. I decided to leave off the days from now on, since it seems my finances are stable again. Starting my own business isn’t ever going to be finished though, so I can’t say my job search is over. Right now I am doing work with LifeSnapz, and have…
Is it really “The Grind” when you are having a ball? – Day 12
So my interview is probably postponed until January 5th or after due to the holidays and people being out of the office. This isn’t really a surprise, since I have been through this part of the year when I was contracting before. Since I have the one freelance contract right now, I’ll be fine until…