My summer project – augmented reality and Flash
I was inspired recently by a man who doesn’t even know I exist (probably). That man is Saqoosha, and he lives in Japan. Some of what he does is develop the FLARToolkit. If you haven’t seen or heard about augmented reality or the FLARToolkit, I suggest you head over to his site and take a…
360|Flex – An amazing experience.
So I got back from 360|Flex just the other day, and I am still excited about all of the people I met there, the things that I participated in, and the knowledge that I gained. The sessions were nearly all good, I gained both knowledge and varying ways of presenting from them. I did record…
The Flex Component Framework, a primer on creating your own custom UI components – part 1
With all of the Flex developers that I have worked with, I have seen some confusion about creating custom components. They get creating a simple MXML component with some ActionScript, sometimes using a code behind to perform more complex ActionScript magic. The confusion I see happening though is they are usually unaware of how the…
Flash Platform in 2009 by Kevin Hoyt – Flex Camp Chicago 2009
This second episode is from the session by Kevin Hoyt, he is an evangelist with Adobe, and gives the keynote for the first day of Flex Camp Chicago. He talks about the Flash platform, what is upcoming for Flex and tools for designers to create user interfaces that work with Flex so that the developers…