Today I continue my search for the perfect job.

I say continue, because in this economy and with the shakeups at my last, as of today, employer, I thought it would be prudent to start putting out feelers to see what the market for someone with my Flex, Flash, and web development skills would be. It’s fairly lukewarm, but jobs do still seem available.

As you might have gathered, I was just recently laid off. It was the second of the most recent round of cuts, and about a dozen people were let go, including some very senior staff. It seems that I was on the list of people that were compensated well, and they are trying to cut costs.

My intent on this new series of posts is to be positive about the job search, to get my name out there, and lastly, to give myself a routine during the day so that I keep moving forward with my life and career, rather than letting things stagnate. So you can expect this and other blog posts, once a day until I get a new job. They might continue after that, but how about we decide that after getting over this first hurdle. Getting the job. The one rule I have for these posts, is that they are positive. They may relay bad news, but I am going to strive to look on the bright side of things instead of wallowing in self pity or some nonsense like that. (I’ve already done that in my past, and let me tell you, it doesn’t work. It also has a tendency to make you stink. Which does not help your chances of getting a job.)

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4 responses to “Today I continue my search for the perfect job.”

  1. David, that really sucks. I am hoping that with your skills, your considerable and intense work ethic, and your ability to distill the essence of things down into something that works for your employer, you will find a wonderful new position.

    In the meantime, I am sending you good vibes and positive thoughts and the hope that you and yours will keep flyin’.

  2. David,
    I think your plan to stay positive is a good idea. However, with your skills seems you’ll find something quickly. What else are you doing as part of your job search?
    Lisa (

  3. Thank you guys for you support.

    I have contacted some recruiters, some colleagues, and I have been putting out feelers for both full time and contract work. Right now things are pretty scary, but I do have some time, so I am being optimistic about things. It’s not the same as things were back in 2000-2001 when this happened to me and many others last time.

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